연구논문 초록집

초록 검색

세션명 대학원생 구두발표 (II)
발표장 제11-1회장
논문코드 O11-11
발표일 2024-04-3
발표시간 15:45-16:00
논문제목 All-polymer based adhesive bioelectronics for epicardial interfacing
발표자 김예원
발표자 소속 성균관대학교
저자 김예원, 손동희
소속 성균관대학교
논문초록 Advances in soft bioelectronics for cardiac implants have been paid remarkable attention to make stable tissue-device interfaces. However, the rigid-island form factors cannot perfectly match the tissue deformations on the heart. To overcome this issue, an alternative approach is to use intrinsically stretchable materials. However, this platform remains challenges due to instability of adhesion, non-uniform coverage on the curved tissue, and the breakdown of the fatigue-accumulated electrodes. Here, we report an instantaneous and conformable cardiac patch with three layers: a tissue-adhesive hydrogel, a network-type substrate, and a durable composite electrode. The patch quickly adheres to the curved tissue according to an efficient strain adaptation of the polymer. Also, its fatigue-resistance enables an electrical stability under a continuous heartbeat. Lastly, the patch provides precise electrical stimulation and 4-week measurement of ECG signals without tissue-pressure.